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Make your next team builder a memorable one

Not long after I joined the work world, I began attending social networking functions where I stood around, drink in hand, trying to find a way to break into a conversation with someone and keep it moving. While there were some fun evenings, the lingering awkwardness often left me socially exhausted.

About a year into it, I was introduced to a group hosted by my local United Way focused on getting young people to volunteer at local agencies. Attending these service events created a strong relationship with the nonprofit community and introduced me to many people who are still my good friends. Some of this comes down to chance, but I believe the X-factor was that the conversations took place while working on a task.

I learned that organizing a tool shed, landscaping, and mopping floors are great ways to get to know people. Having a task took the pressure off the conversation, allowing it to slowly build. Often, the relaxed banter about the task or life broke the ice, and then, there was a happy hour.

Throughout hundreds of cocktail classes, I’ve witnessed the same type of pressure-relieving diversion. Guests walk into the room and are greeted by cocktail shakers, bottles, and ice buckets waiting to be put to work. It creates a natural point of conversation during the early-awkward minutes.

I hear people laughing about failed cocktail experiments, trips that introduced them to a drink or spirit they’ll never forget, and more. Cocktail classes are a fun and educational time, but when used for a teambuilder, any sense of “mandatory fun” melts away as they arrive. As one of my podcast guests, Dr. Edward Slingerland wrote, there is the added cognitive benefit that alcohol helps ease social tension and increase a sense of bonding.

If you’re looking for a great way to entertain your team and want to avoid eye rolls and awkward conversation, we promise that a cocktail class will make it easy to fall in and stay connected.

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